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    Gracias por sus donaciones!
    Thank you for your donations!

    Your donation will help COSA sports to support our community youth soccer players achieve their goals.

    Sus donationes ayudaran a COSA sports a apoyar a nuestros jovenes futbolistas de nuestra comunidad a lograr sus metas! 


    Flash Tournament coming!!! Stay tuned.

    Practice and Registration Info:

     Please get registered using the registration link above to have acces to practice and game info accordingly. Once you get registered, download the app playmetrics and sign in. Once you are signed in, sent a chat into the chat group so the participant can be assigned to a team. Once the player is assigned, you will be able to see game and practice info. 
    Volunteer Coaches, Referees and Staff . If interested please send an email at
    or call at 720-394-9591

    Por favor, regístrese usando el enlace de registro de arriba para tener acceso a la información sobre prácticas y juegos correspondientemente. Una vez que esté registrado, descargue la aplicación PlayMetrics e inicie sesión. Una vez que haya iniciado sesión, envíe un mensaje al grupo de chat para que el participante pueda ser asignado a un equipo. Una vez que el jugador esté asignado, podrá ver la información sobre juegos y prácticas.
    Entrenadores voluntarios, árbitros y personal. Si está interesado, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al 720-394-9591

    Fadlan halkan hoose ku daawo shaxda isdiwaangeliga ah si aad u hesho macluumaadka ku saabsan ciyaarta iyo mararka qaar. Marka aad isdiwaangasho, kor dhawoow isticmaalaha PlayMetrics oo dhameystira. Marka aad dhameysatay, dirirta farsooda iyo kulanka iskutallaabka si loo daawado ciyaaraha. Marka la isdiwaan galo, waxaad arki doontaa macluumaadka ciyaarta iyo mararka.
    Arsheelin Ciyaareed, Xiriir, iyo Shaqaale. Haddii aad u baahan tahay, fadlan u dir e-mayl at ama wac 720-394-9591


    We have practice 2 a week and games on the weekend
    Available Divisions:

    Coed (boys and Girls ) youth
    U4 Tuesday and Thursday  6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    U6 Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    U8 Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    U10 Tu and Th 6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    U12 Monday and Friday @ 5:30 @ Baker Elementary 
    U14 Monday and Friday @ 6:30 @ Baker Elementary 
    MS Girls Tu and Th at 6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    HS Girls Tu and Th at 6:30 @ Jaycee Park 
    HS Boys.  Currently practicing at The Legion's field 
    Man Adults league every Sunday at the Centerpointe Field house
    Women open (in the making) soon to start.  Interested? Send me a text at 7203949581

    Tendremos prácticas 2 veces a la semana y juegos los fines de semana.
    Divisiones disponibles:

    Mixto (niños y niñas) juvenil
    Chicas de secundaria
    Chicas de preparatoria
    Chicos de preparatoria
    Liga de adultos masculina
    Abierto para mujeres (en proceso)

    Waxaanu dhammaan doonaa mararka qaar 2-kii bilood iyo ciyaaraha dhammaadka
    Gobollada la heli karo:

    Qmix (wiilasha iyo gabdhaha) dhalinyarada
    Gabadha Dugsiga Dhexe
    Gabadha Dugsiga Sare
    Wiilasha Dugsiga Sare
    Ligga Wiilasha Jaamacadda
    Furitaanka dumarka (wareysi ah)

    Vianka Vizcaino
    Hablo Español
    Agente de Ventas en Bienes raices
    Residencial y Commercial.
    Compra y Venta de Casas.
    Broker Associate
    C: 720-394-9591
    Danford Realty LLC

    Welcome to COSA

    COSA (Community Outreach Soccer Association) is a registered non-profit in the state of Colorado. We welcome everyone with or without soccer experience. Our system consists on many touches to the ball. Each player gets a soccer ball to practice and work on fun ball control games and drills. Our Mission: At COSA Sports, our mission is to cultivate values, develop skills, and nurture relationships among youth in Morgan County. Through soccer, we challenge children to grow in imagination, creativity, self-directed initiative, and leadership, providing a safe and inclusive environment for all. Our Vision: COSA Sports envisions a community where every child, regardless of background or circumstance, has access to high-quality, culturally responsive sports programming. We aspire to empower youth to reach their full potential, both on and off the field, fostering a healthier and more connected community.









    Come and be part of the fun!

    We are ALWAYS developing new teams for travel and local Leagues. Age Groups: U4, U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, Middle School Girls, HS Boys and HS Girls soccer teams. Indoor soccer opportunities available. Siempre estamos desarrollando nuevos equipos para ligas de viaje y locales. Grupos de edad: U4, U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, chicas de secundaria, equipos de fútbol de secundaria masculinos y femeninos. Se encuentran disponibles oportunidades de fútbol sala. Waxaan kusoo bandhiginaynaa kooxaha cusub ee ka hor taga dhibaatooyinka safarka iyo guudka. Gurmadka Daabacaad: U4, U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, Gabdho Dugsiga Dhexe, Dugsiyada Dhexe iyo Dumarka. Fursado fudud ee ciyaaraha fudud ayaa la heli karaa.

    Secure Your Spot!

    Our Summer leagues are OPEN for registration. Make your deposits now to save your team's spot for the Summer Season! We've been working hard on making sure our leagues meet player expectations while following local guidance and ordinances for outdoor sports.

    Looking to Join a New Team?

    Want to play soccer, but don’t have a team? Choose from our competitive or recreational leagues. If we get enough players, we will create a Free Agent Team, or we will try and get you placed with one of our private teams who may need an extra player or two.

    Volunteers, Referees and Coaches Needed

    Are you good with kids? Want to be a part of a fun ourdoor community activity? We are looking for volunteers, referees and coaches to help us this summer. If you're interested, please fill out the form below.

    Background check Link.


    Volunteers, Referees and Coaches Needed

    Are you good with kids? Want to be a part of a fun ourdoor community activity? We are looking for volunteers, referees and coaches to help us this summer. If you're interested, please fill out the form below.

    Background check Link

    Contact Us

    Get in Touch

    • Fort Morgan, CO
    • 720-394-9591

    Fort Morgan League Soccer is a great way to help your kids develop leadership skills, make friends and participate in a fun social activity. We welcome all who want to participate.